Now, there is another micro blogging than twitter, it's call
Yahoo Meme. Like as you know that twitter was used to re-post our article in twitter homepage. Many people using twitter to get traffic. But, in
Yahoo Meme, we can repost not just only the text. But with
Yahoo Meme we can post our picture, video and music also. This service is free. We just need a yahoo account to get it, and go to this
yahoo meme homepageWhen you make a text post, just click
Text tab in your
Dashboard. Very easy! If your post has less than 200 characters it will appear in big format. If it is really big (they support up to 2000 characters! cool yeah!) it will appear with a minor font size. To include links in your text, you just need to insert a url (eg. www.all-iknow.blogspot.com). and another great feature in Yahoo Meme that they also accept a HTML.

Like i said before that yahoo meme allowed us to post our picture. we can post one picture a time on Meme.
Yahoo Meme accept photos stored in our PC or anywhere in the Internet. But make sure the content respects our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. Click on the tab
photo on your
dashboard The default option is to select photos from your computer. Click on the field and choose a file. If you wish you can include a caption to your photo, like a description or a comment clicking on
Write a caption here. Click on
post photo The other way you have to post photos is to pick the option
link on the tab
photo from
your dashboard. In this case, you have to paste on the specific field the url of the image available on the internet. After that you can write a caption to the photo and click on the button
post photo.
Like Twitter and Tumblr, you can search other people's public accounts and follow them, with updates from these users appearing in your stream. You can also Repost anyone's entry, similar to the Reblog feature that's integrated into Tumblr. But the micro-blogging service seems lacking in its features and its potential to surpass its competitors.
Get your
Yahoo Meme right now.
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