GATE Computer Science Books

* Mathematical Logic: Discrete Mathematics by Tremblay Manohar, Probability , statistics and queuing theory " by S.C.Gupta & V.K.Kapoor
* Graph Theory: Narsingh Deo
* Linear Algebra: Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S. Grewal
* Numerical Methods: S.S. Sastry
* Formal Language and Automata Theory: Formal Languages and Automata theory", J.D.Ullman etal
* Analysis of Algorithms and Computational Complexity: Introduction to algorithms" - Cormen etal" Computer Algorithms" - Horowitz and Sahani
* Digital Logic: " Digital Logic circuits and Design " by Morris Mano
* Computer Organization: " Computer Organisation " by Morris Mano

Some Other Important books
" Multiple choice questions " - Timothy . J . Williams , TMH publications
" Gate Question Papers " - G.K.Publishers 


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